To efficiently stick to your workout routine you need to carry out well-planned schedules rigorously, weekly workout variations, manage intensity levels, and make targeted diet and other lifestyle choices to give you the maximum results. Unless you happen to be a professional trainer, it is impossible to do all that yourself.
Here, with the help of technology, all you need to do is click a few buttons every day and ensure your health is in the right hands.
Nowadays, you can get access to top-notch best free cardio apps that offer excellent features even with no cost whatsoever.
Here is a review of these apps so you can narrow down your choices.
Best Free Cardio Apps
1. Runtastic
Be it running or biking, Runtastic by Adidas is excellent to help you train your body in the most efficient way possible. It uses various features like GPS to track your real-time routes and is armed with 180+ 45-minute workout videos to ensure you reach your goals before you know it.
The best part about Runtastic is that none of their workouts require you to break your bank on purchasing hefty gym equipment while you can get similar results without them.
Each of Runtastic videos is created by professional trainers and athletes to ensure you get custom sweat sessions designed to fit into your specific workout goal. This app can also sync with Apple Music to allow you to indulge yourself in your favorite playlists.
2. My Virtual Mission
Are you finding it hard to keep yourself motivated during this pandemic? Well, you are not alone. My Virtual Mission is equipped with the top strategies that can help you stay motivated throughout your fitness journey.
It works by doing real-life practical physical activities rather than actively working out. For instance, you have a desired route in mind, My VIrtual Mission uses GPS to come up with ways that can set out how many miles you can potentially burn if you take those following routes to your destination.
Once you reach a certain milestone, My Virtual Mission rewards you with postcards that you can save with you forever.
3. Nike Training Club
This app has the potential to become your full-fledged personal trainer. Nike Training Club comes with 185 free workouts ranging from strength and cardio-based routines that can instantly get you in shape.
One of the Nike Training Club’s greatest features is how easy it makes for people to choose and start their classes. I’m sure there are times when you are never sure what you want to do throughout the day.
Nike considers your previous search results or workout history to come up with suggestions every time you hop onto the app. The more workouts you choose from the suggested list, the better Nike would be able to understand your needs and narrow down the recommendations accordingly.
If you don’t currently own equipment at home, you can also go for training that requires no equipment whatsoever. The Nike app feed is always filled with motivational tips, diet recipes, and other pieces of inspiring content that can keep your motivational fuel running.
Besides that, the app tracks your progress and celebrates your daily achievements just like an actual trainer.
4. C25K 5K Trainer
This app used a rather unique way to help you reach your goals. Where general apps take your survey to understand your goals, C25K 5K creates their own schedule that gradually takes a user from a beginner level to an experienced one. It does this using an 8-week program that solely focuses on a mixture of running and walking to build your fitness.
Instead of providing you with a library of daunting workouts for you to choose from, this app offers a 30-minute series of cardio workouts three times a week for a total of 8 weeks, all while being free for its users.
5. Freeletics
Freeletics offers a large array of variety in cardio and HIIT workouts with and without gym equipment. This free app is highly user-friendly and is well-known for providing in-depth insights into your workouts.
It also allows you to connect the app with your Apple Watch to make the most out of each physical activity that you do.
Once you’re satisfied with the app’s initial functions, you can always go for the premium version that gives customized video and audio coaching to help you workout whenever, wherever.
6. Map My Fitness by Under Armour
This incredible app is excellent at tracking every activity you do. This includes hiking, dog walking, cardio, and other traveling by foot that you always forget to take into account.
Once you’ve downloaded the app, you can get your hands on the world-class classes and challenges, all while measuring the duration and calories burned in each of these activities. This can help you maintain your calorie deficit to shed rapid pounds.
7. Seven — 7-Minute Workout
7-Minute Workout allows you to squeeze in 7 minutes in your busy schedule so you don’t have an excuse to miss a single day. How does it manage to do that in just 7 minutes?
This app is excellent at coming up with innovative and highly impactful workouts that get the maximum work done in the shortest amount of time. Just hit on the app whenever you get a few minutes off, workout, and voila! You’re good to carry on with the rest of your day without feeling guilty of lack of exercise.
Although most of the personalized preset video and options are available for the premium members, free users can track their own workouts and opt for any of the videos of the huge collection of cardio, strength training, yoga, and HIIT workouts & Minute Workout is exceptional for days where you don’t feel like hitting the gym to allow you to carry out some sort of physical activity.
JEFIT is all about creating routines that are ideal for you. Open your first sign-up, the app asks you to fill up a survey to state your desired goals, whether you workout at home or gym, and what’s your everyday activity level.
Depending on that, it begins the process of suggesting workouts to try. The calendar that comes with the JEFIT sends out regular reminders and tracks all the muscle’s target and carries out ideal contents to get you in shape.
9. Gold’s AMP
This app recently went free in 2020 to allow everyone to access 600 cardio and strength training workouts using audio and video instructions to aid convenience. The app is amazing to be used for a treadmill, elliptical and stationary bikes at home.
However, if you don’t own any of these you can always go for equipment-free workouts that offer the same intensity levels.
10. Daily Burn
Daily Burn is packed with custom-made workouts that are desired specifically to reach your fitness goals. Someone who is looking to lose weight will have more cardio and other endurance-based workouts than someone who needs to build muscle.
Therefore, according to your feedback, you can avail of HIIT, barre, yoga, kickboxing, and cardio workouts.
It also functions as a tracker to help you make the necessary improvements in your workout routine.
11. FitOn
FitOn believes in allowing access to all the opportunities that are available for fitness enthusiasts to achieve their goals. One of the major problems why many people struggle with obesity and other health issues is because they can’t afford to live up to the high costs of all the fitness technology.
Therefore, FitOn allows you to get your hands on all of its workout programs that are conducted by celebrities like Jeanette Jenkin and Cassey Ho of Blogilates.
You can filter the videos using intensity levels and durations to gain quick access to whatever you want without fiddling around videos that you don’t need. Best fall, most of the workouts on FitOn don’t require gym equipment which can add an extra layer of convenience to this incredible cardio app.
12. SworkIt
Sworkit triggers just the right source of fat to shed pounds before you know it. The professional trainers from Sworkit have prevailed in their name to develop effective and easy-to-understand workouts by breaking down each move to make it ideal for people with all fitness levels.
13. Tone It Up
Tonal It Up has a variety of workout options for different types of people. When I say this, I even mean postnatal content that is useful for many new parents. The app comes with exercises that only use bodyweight so you can make the process of achieving your fitness goals completely effortless.
To Wrap Up
Nowadays, staying healthy doesn’t mean you go full-on to break your bank for it. The 13 cardio apps mentioned above offer workouts that you exactly need to get to your desired shape. Although all of these are entirely free of charge, they also offer a premium monthly subscription that comes with additional features to take your fitness to a whole different level.
Therefore, try out the free version and use it for a few months. Once you start to notice the drastic change in your life, I’d suggest you go ahead and spend a few extra bucks on your fitness.